
Hello Artists,

This months blog is about As an artist it’s always important to continue learning your craft whether you are in school, out of school, at an art career, whatever it is, you never want to stop learning. has classes for everyone, in every creative field. What sets them apart is that its an actual class with people that you get to pop into. Throughout the class people are asking the instructors questions and people online are asking questions and you get to learn along with everyone there.

This web resource is also perfect for anyone that is trying to expand their artistic knowledge into other fields. They are detailed enough that if you are a beginner you can catch on and in depth enough that if you are a professional you still will learn some new information or techniques.


There are tons of classes to choose from, and they vary in price. You can even find some for as low as $20!

For anyone trying to get serious at becoming the best artist they can be this site would be a great resource. Just come back every month, watch a class and keep growing!

Check it out for yourselves and don’t for get to visit our shop and checkout our illos!

See you next month! :)

Have a good one.